The littles have had a busy week. We got some much needed "friend time" this past weekend. We visited with one of our favorite families and I finally got some girl time with a few of my favorite ladies! (Sorry, no photos.)
On Monday, we attended our playgroup's Christmas party. Dodi was gracious enough to open up her home, and as always, everything was so cute and festive!
The littles enjoyed some yummy party food! (I just noticed that Evan was playing with his jello! He actually really liked it. Chloe said that he ate hers too.)
Of course, the objective of any playgroup is to let the kids play. I thought it was funny that the boys all congregated around the train table.
I had been admiring Dodi's "Little People" Nativity during the party. After lunch, Dodi told the Christmas story using the toy figurines.
Can you tell that someone had a little meltdown prior to having her picture taken?
We also did a craft making foam ornaments.
Here are a couple of the ornaments that we made!
We always have such a good time! Not only do the kids get to play and socialize, but it's so nice to get together with this group of ladies/mommies to share stories and advice.
On Wednesday, Chloe's Rainbows group had a party to celebrate Jesus's birthday!
I asked Chloe what she did at the Rainbows meeting and she told me about the crafts that they worked on and the food that they ate. While recalling what they did, she said, " We colored the Wise Men. I remember that one of the men brought Baby Jesus gold, but I can't remember what the other two brought." I told her what the other two gifts were, frakincense and myrrh (although I did have to look up the spellings just now). I am so amazed at how much she has learned in just a little over a year with the Rainbows!
Cute fingerprint ornament!
Nativity painting!
I was so glad that Chloe painted a nativity at Rainbows because I wanted a painting to display next to Chloe's Christmas tree. We had planned to paint Baby Jesus with Barb last weekend, but after a night on the North Pole Express, all this Momma wanted to do the following morning was sleep in:)
Ms. Dodi also put together a small gift bag for each of her little Rainbows with the most precious personalized ornament.
On Thursday, Lola took the littles to the Festival of Lights at the Zoo. We have been every year since Chloe was born as a family because Chris got free entry for the family with his previous employer. However, this year I decided to take it off of our Christmas "to do" list. It just isn't feasible or economical to do or participate in every holiday activity/event.
However, I was happy that my mom took them. It meant that littles wouldn't miss out on it this year's light festival, and that Chris and I had a night to ourselves. Although, for me, that meant resting to get over a cough and sinus infection:(
I handed Lola and Uncle Jose our camera before they left, so that they could take some pictures. However, the battery was close to dead, so they were only able to get a few good shots.
And finally...
Our Week 3 Reading List:
Day 1- (We all had a night out with friends, so we didn't get a chance to read our book.)
Day 2 - Polar Express (I actually bought this one at retail cost.)
Day 3 - Santa's Book of Names
Day 4 - Snow Bear
Day 5 - The Best Christmas Present
Day 6 - Twas' the Night Before Christmas
Day 7 - The Time of Christmas
It was a busy, but good, week! Now I'm ready for some actual Christmas celebration!
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