Is it already June? What happened to May?!
I'm so behind on this blog post. I kept thinking, " It's still May. I have plenty of time." But in a blink, it's gone. How quickly this time with our loved ones just flies by, the ever constant reminder to grab hold of these moments and special times with the ones I hold closest to my heart.
I didn't take many photos on Mother's Day because I was too busy enjoying the day with some special ladies, but I did want to share a few.
The littles spent the weekend with their Nana and Granddaddy "in the country," so we drove down on Sunday to spend the day there. Chris had a special meal planned for his mother that he had to prepare, so we arrived at their home while everyone was at church.
However, when they got home, Chris and the littles wasted no time giving me my Mother's Day gifts.
I got some sweet kisses from my babies:)
We also surprised Nana with her gifts!
And some sweet hugs were in order.
Lola had to work that day, so we stopped by her house after spending the day with Nana. We made a hand-print sun for both Nana and Lola.
She didn't miss out on the sweet hugs either.
Ahhh, such a sweet day. These four really make Mother's Day worth celebrating! We love you, Nana and Lola! And thank you for my sweet day, Chloe and Evan!
Happy belated Mother's Day! I still need to do my son's special birthday blog post and his bday was in mid May!