Here are a few pictures that I took of my Lady Warrior at her first game of the regular season. (Mom fail: I forgot to pack her belt.) Surprisingly, I didn't take many pictures throughout the season, so that's all folks. Her team was a force to be reckoned with and only lost two games. I only count one of those losses, but I'll spare you the details.;)
After the regular season, she went on to play on the AUM All-Star team. I took more pictures this time.
Introducing the All-Star Team...
Chloe played first base.
And, she made her biggest hits during this time. I think she was trying to show off because family members were there to cheer her on.
I was the worst at taking action shots, nerves and excitement got the best of me, but luckily my mother-in-law took a great video of one of her big hits.
And would you believe it, her team won the Angels Sub-District Tournament! It was so exciting!
We got the coach good! He never saw it coming.
He was a good sport, though.
Sadly, we lost in the District playoffs. However, we're looking forward to many more seasons of softball. It was a great "comeback" season! Thank you to everyone that came out to support our girl. Thank you Lord for blessing our girl.