Ranger Derby & Evan's First Trophy

March 9, 2016 No comments
Evan participated in our local Ranger Derby, a pinewood derby race.

Chris and Evan spent weeks preparing his derby car for the race during Royal Rangers club meetings and at home. I had a little too much fun teasing Chris about his obsession with a wooden car;) Honestly, it was a great way for a father and son to bond and I enjoyed watching it:)

Several local Royal Rangers clubs competed at a church in a neighboring city.

And, would you believe it? All of their hard work paid off! Evan placed second in his age division. His car placed first in all of his heats, except the final heat, where the winner was determined. Four-one thousandths of a second was the difference between first and second place. We were all still so very proud of his second-place win!

I joked that Evan wouldn't have cared if he was in last place, just as long as he got a trophy. He was so proud of it...and so was Chris.

On the following Wednesday, Evan's Royal Rangers club held it's own derby. He placed first in his age division and 2nd overall.

I couldn't be prouder of my boys.