Chloe's a First Grader!

August 15, 2015 No comments
Last Thursday, August 13th, was a big day for Chloe. It was her first day of First Grade!

I truly believe that this girl will change the world one day. She has so much ambition and drive for such a little person. She is confident in her abilities and that makes people trust her. I love the she has such a pure love for Jesus and wants the world to know of Him and His love for us. Maybe she will be a missionary one day, and maybe she won't, but I hope and pray that she never loses her pure love for Him! She makes me proud every day and constantly amazes me.

Here's a link to Chloe's first/last day Kindergarten pictures for comparison. (Try to keep the tears at bay while looking at these.)

We met Chloe's new teacher, Mrs. P, at Open House on the Monday before school started.

I can already tell that we're going to have a great year! Chloe wasn't so sure about summer ending and the start of the new school year. However, since Open House, she's been re-energized  and excited about her first grade year.

After Open House, we let the kids play in the school's garden for a bit.

Chloe received these bubbles in her back-to-school goodie bag from Mrs. P.


On the morning of her first day of school, we celebrated with a special back-to-school breakfast. The last couple of years, we've had a back-to-school lunch to celebrate, but it seemed more sensible to have a breakfast this year. It wasn't anything fancy, a few decorations and a breakfast casserole (that I prepped the night before) to start our day off right! I had Chloe's backpack monogrammed and bought a new school outfit for her doll, Marin.

Chloe wore her matching jumper on the second day of school.


I was allowed to walk with Chloe to her classroom and snagged this picture just before she rushed me off. "Quickly, Momma."

It always seems like I get a little more emotional around the start of a new school year...another year closer to my babies leaving the nest:(  My ultimate goal as a parent is to make sure that my littles are prepared for the world, but it still makes me long for the days when I was their world. 

Have a great first grade year. Always let your light shine, my smart, confident, caring, sweet, and beautiful girl!